It was ten years ago now that I ran my first marathon. I began training to run the marathon because of the loss of control I felt from having multiple seizures a day. I once seized mid-stride and landed in a pile on the concrete. I kept running. Four weeks before the race, I was diagnosed with a stress fracture in my leg. I ran under water. I ran the whole 26.2 miles by myself in a sea of other people with even more gripping stories. I saw a firefighter running in full uniform in solidarity with firefighters who died September 11. There was the man with the prosthetic leg for running that stood out so strongly in my mind. I had thought I had a lot to overcome. And I had. The marathon gave me the control I needed to feel and made me feel strong. It made me healthier and a better writer. It marked the beginning of health changes I'm glad I made. When I crossed the finish line, I cried. It still makes me te...
I ski, teach, parent, write, read, swim, adventure. I get lost in my own mind, chewing on words and images. Sometimes something good comes out.