"Burnt sienna is a crayon you slanderous prick!" "Boo-yah! I'm not dumb! I may not know what 12 minus 5 is, but I'm not dumb! Who cares if I can't add?" "Due to my own rules, my date must contain honky tonk and/or badonka donk." "Free your mind, and your ass will follow." "Fuck you! I don't mean you , I mean... oh no, I fuck the same you that you're referring to." "I don't have a problem with kids learning to hit the pipe, I'm just sayin put em on the baby pipe first." "If you lip slide my rail, I'll nose press your box."
I ski, teach, parent, write, read, swim, adventure. I get lost in my own mind, chewing on words and images. Sometimes something good comes out.