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Showing posts from 2017

Get Stop Licking That FREE today

Stop Licking That, my new memoir is FREE today on Amazon. Get your copy ASAP! If you prefer paperback, you can order one below. It's not quite up on Amazon yet but soon...

What's YOUR sense of humor?

Which style or styles best match your sense of humor? Life is Silly, let’s laugh - You see the humor in the situation when you drop a full coffee on your boss’s toe. Situation Distiller - You’re the one who cracks a joke when things start getting too serious or awkward and we all thank you for that. Self-deprecating - You make fun of yourself to make people laugh. It’s worth it. Junkpunch funny - you laugh at slapstick, whoopee cushions, and when someone gets hurt. Punny-   you laugh at this joke “Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?” “Because they taste funny!” Seriously funny - You don’t smile or laugh at your own jokes and you slide them in at just the right time to catch others unawares and crack. Them. Up. Smartipants - Your jokes are funny and you think of the unlikely, witty line that drives them home. Often timely jokes and sometimes political are your favorites. Quirky - It just hits your funny bone and a few others and you can’t stop laughing. Meanwhile those ...