Which style or styles best match your sense of humor?
Life is Silly, let’s laugh- You see the humor in the situation when you drop a full coffee on your boss’s toe.
Situation Distiller- You’re the one who cracks a joke when things start getting too serious or awkward and we all thank you for that.
Self-deprecating- You make fun of yourself to make people laugh. It’s worth it.
Junkpunch funny- you laugh at slapstick, whoopee cushions, and when someone gets hurt.
Punny- you laugh at this joke “Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?” “Because they taste funny!”
Seriously funny- You don’t smile or laugh at your own jokes and you slide them in at just the right time to catch others unawares and crack. Them. Up.
Smartipants- Your jokes are funny and you think of the unlikely, witty line that drives them home. Often timely jokes and sometimes political are your favorites.
Quirky- It just hits your funny bone and a few others and you can’t stop laughing. Meanwhile those who don’t get it watch on in confusion. You might like Salad Fingers or cult niche humor.
Potty jokes- seriously ya’ll, farts are funny
Jokes about others- you laugh the hardest while railing on your buddy. You don’t get offended if someone makes fun of you either (otherwise, it just makes you a dick.)
What Style is Stop Licking That? Read it and tell me! Preorder it here!
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