Thankful today that I am well that my kids are well A cup of coffee by myself and snuggled my dogs this morning when my husband smiles and hugs our son while he stretches on the floor when our son plays drums The moment when I said, "oh fuck this" about my son hating math because he already got it and wanted to move on, and we did multiplication instead so he could be challenged by something new Figuring out how to teach kids with dyslexia to love literature and books Teaching a gifted boy to play piano and telling him "tough stuff" when he didn't want to do a challenge, the relationship where you can push a kid is gold Teachers Teachers who assign their students to take photos of their pets doing homework Teachers who do puppet shows on zoom Teachers who make Tik Toks Teachers who cry when school goes online Teachers who love, love, love their kids Teachers who hug Teachers who screw up and parents who shut up when they do Teacher friends Teacher friends who ...
I ski, teach, parent, write, read, swim, adventure. I get lost in my own mind, chewing on words and images. Sometimes something good comes out.