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Showing posts from November, 2020

Thankful for

 Thankful today that I am well that my kids are well A cup of coffee by myself and snuggled my dogs this morning when my husband smiles and hugs our son while he stretches on the floor when our son plays drums The moment when I said, "oh fuck this" about my son hating math because he already got it and wanted to move on, and we did multiplication instead so he could be challenged by something new Figuring out how to teach kids with dyslexia to love literature and books Teaching a gifted boy to play piano and telling him "tough stuff" when he didn't want to do a challenge, the relationship where you can push a kid is gold Teachers Teachers who assign their students to take photos of their pets doing homework  Teachers who do puppet shows on zoom Teachers who make Tik Toks Teachers who cry when school goes online Teachers who love, love, love their kids Teachers who hug Teachers who screw up and parents who shut up when they do Teacher friends Teacher friends who ...

The stranger it feels...

The other day I had my leggings on inside out. I thought they'd had pockets in the past, but couldn't find them.  Once upon a time I got a new refrigerator and had the cleanest refrigerator in all the land. And that was the last time my whole fridge was clean at once.  My son thinks people come in three colors: black, white, and red, with red meaning "redneck." My husband had a dream that he was punishing our younger son's noncompliance with belting out Seal's "Kissed by a Rose" at him whenever he refused to do something or pouted and grouched. He dreamed that he told me and I said what a great strategy it was and how I wondered if we could have his teachers try it. And when he was telling me this I was thinking, "that sounds like an excellent technique I should try."
 I saw one of those stupid trucks today with testicles hanging off its rear bumper and just wished I'd had a diaper to put over that fucking thing. Nursing babies is a problem in society but that jackhole can drive around with fake balls hanging off his vehicle. OK.  What the hell is the matter with people? Perhaps I need to keep a set of adult diapers in my car from now on.