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Shit Magnet vs. Super K

When I first met my friend Foss, he came up with two different nicknames for me: Super K, and Shit magnet. There was a long period... like ten or twenty frickin years where I was under a constant barrage of shit: people dying, health problems, you name it. But he also called me Super K, which to this day gives me a surge of "fuck yeah I can" whenever I hear it. He'd say things like, "pf, of course you ran a marathon while having seizures, that's why you're Super K."

These names were far from my mind Tuesday when I had a meltdown. I felt completely hopeless about jobs, future, you know kinda everything. I've been applying and applying and getting no where for the past 6 or 8 months. I don't have much of a chance of getting into grad school to do what I want because of my less than exciting GRE scores and my lack of experience working in a research lab of any kind. I haven't gotten calls about teaching for next year and the jobs have mostly been given out by now. And frankly, I hate doing my job cuz its boring. Health insurance situation isn't good and Rob and I want to start a family sometime relatively soon and can't do that without... you know insurance, money.... blah blah blah.

Yesterday things finally starting looking up though.

At work we had a silent auction. In it was a bunch of free dry cleaning. I bid on it, but was unable to continue bidding because I had to run the auction. One of our board members won it and I teased him during checkout that he'd bid against me.
"That was so I could clean my wedding dress." I'd said.
"Eh, don't worry about it. My wife kept hers for our daughter who of course didn't want it and it just sits there."
"No, I want to wear it again. Just around the house. I LOVE my dress. Its beautiful. I asked my husband what he thought, and he got a big grin and said I could wear it around the house anytime." (My face is now bright red as I've realized what I've said as its leaving my mouth. ) "Well, if that's what your husband says you should wear it." He paid, then later returned and gave me the dry cleaning. He would not take a payment or donation, just said, "I want you to get your dress cleaned." If that's not just the nicest thing.

If that weren't enough, I got a phone call from one of the elementary principals about a job teaching in the library. Then I got another call with a tip about a job working for the Udall campaign in Summit (for a democrat I really believe in). Finally today, I got an email forwarded from an influential member of our community about the nonprofit we're interested in starting. It basically said he's spoken with one organization about housing our group, and another about start up funding. AHHH!!!

So maybe Super K will take this battle after all.


  1. Hell yes, girlie! So my friend the shit magnet will work in a 'brary. That. Is. FAB!

  2. My friend Cara (1st grade teacher) says that they are hiring at Dillon Valley Elementary for a bunch of positions.

    Don't worry, May sucked and June is almost here!

  3. I applied at Dillon Valley, but didn't get so much as a phone call. Probably just as well, b/c my Spanish wouldn't be enough for that school. I'm like you, I know what people are saying but I tend to not say anything back.


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