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Wednesdays' Weirdos: Cuffed Karate MasTard

This article appeared in my local newspaper, The Summit Daily, on Wednesday, May 13th

A man with a history of violence was arrested on the Interstate-70 median last week after swinging a set of nunchucks in front of an officer with the Summit County Sheriff’s Office.

He was wearing a full-length trenchcoat and declared he was kicked off a bus in Silverthorne while on his way from Denver to Los Angeles.

The man said he had been “riding the bus when he saw a girl with the ‘swine flu’ and attempted to eliminate her by grabbing her throat,” according to the SCSO report.

Another passenger hit the man and he was thrown off the bus before he got into a fight with a gang at a gas station in Silverthorne, the man said.

Authorities found the man after receiving a call that he was in the I-70 median waving his arms at cars and screaming.

As the officer approached, the man turned his back, hiding his hands. When the man turned around, the officer spotted the nunchucks in his pants waistband.

Asked if he was carrying the weapon, the man responded: “Yeah, I am a karate master!”

The man began to swing the nunchucks around his upper body.

The officer aimed a Taser X-26 at the man, decided he was too far away, and began reaching for his handgun. The karate master dropped the nunchucks and began to walk away.

A knife and some marijuana was discovered on the man, in addition to the traditional Asian weapon.

En route to Summit County Jail, the man told the officer “that he was 468 years old, and was being hunted across the country by priests, nuns and monks,” according to the report.

He said he had just gotten out of prison after a prior assault in which he was shot in the foot by Denver Police Department.

Although the man acknowledged that he’s prohibited from owning nunchucks in Colorado, he said he could just get another pair if the ones he was carrying were taken.


He also talked to imaginary people while riding to the jail.

After the man was taken inside the jail, the officer inspected the back of the patrol car and found two .40 caliber handgun rounds. But no gun was found on the man or on the highway, and the man said he didn’t know where the rounds came from.

A background check showed assault, violence charges and several felony convictions in the past 10 years.

The karate master was booked with charges of possession of a prohibited weapon, felony menacing, felony weapons possession by a previous offender and possession of less than an ounce of marijuana.


  1. さあ、今夏も新たな出会いを経験してみませんか?当サイトは円助交際の逆、つまり女性が男性を円助する『逆円助交際』を提供します。逆円交際を未経験の方でも気軽に遊べる大人のマッチングシステムです。年齢上限・容姿・経験一切問いません。男性の方は無料で登録して頂けます。貴方も新たな出会いを経験してみませんか


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